Ready To Become Your Highest, Most Confident Self And Attract Your Dream Life?

 Step Into A World of Self Discovery, Showing Up For Yourself & Begin Manifesting With Ease
This Is A Comprehensive Program Designed To Help You Emerge Into Your Highest, Most Confident Self And Tap Into Your Innate Potential Through The Use Of Science-Backed Belief Rewiring Tools
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What Is The Cultivating Confidence 1-on-1 Coaching Program?

The Cultivating Confidence 1-on-1 Coaching Program Is A 12 Week Transformational Coaching Experience Designed To Help You:

  1. Develop clarity and awareness around who you are right now, and on the woman you strive to become. You will get clear on your true goals and desires around becoming your highest, most confident self and on the type of life you'd like to call in.
  2. Identify the underlying subconscious beliefs that are blocking you from becoming your highest self and feeling deserving of living your dream life.
  3. Reprogram your limiting beliefs and replace them with a more empowering set of beliefs in order to manifest a life you love!
  4. Embody the powerful woman that is your highest self. Step into the version of you who knows herself deeply, shows up for herself always, has a deep sense of self worth and confidence, manifests a life she loves with ease, and can conquer anything that comes her way.


Maggie Mae 

Let me tell you about my story… Growing up, I never felt good enough. I didn’t feel deserving of good things. I was constantly looking for validation, putting others on a pedestal and people pleasing so people would like me. 

I wasn’t content with my life, fell into victim mode, and didn’t know how to get out of this low vibrational frequency I was creating for myself.

Feeling this way completely stripped away my ability to express my authentic self, made me feel underserving and unworthy, and made it difficult for me to create the kind of life I desired to live.

I finally realized this version of myself was not serving me well. I was done settling with this way of living. This took me on a crazy 2-year journey where I worked with mentors, coaches, and therapists.

Through this process, I learned one key idea. 

It is our beliefs that will either amplify or block our ability to show up as the highest, most confident version of ourselves.

 Through this journey, I replaced all the self limiting beliefs I was holding onto with the use of science-backed tools to reprogram my mind. As a result I started to strengthen my sense of self-love, self-confidence, self worth, and self-trust. I got to know myself deeply and know how to care for myself in a healthy way. I began standing up for myself and setting boundaries. I began to step into the highest, most confident version of myself. 

AND- as a result, my dream life started becoming my new reality. I manifested a loving relationship, amazing friendships who prioritize me, a passion-fueled career, better health, and the ability to travel all over the world!

I realized the reason I went through this was to get others through it as well.

This led me to become a certified life coach and learn to help others get through what I struggled with years ago so they can start showing up as their highest selves.


Check out some of the stories from clients I've helped in the past...



My transformation was insane and I feel calmer, more present… I feel like I don’t have to look at my phone when I walk into a room… and I can just BE and enjoy the present in a way I couldn’t for so long. Im really excited to be this woman that I always envisioned myself being and knowing that I had it somewhere inside of me. If you’re thinking about working with Maggie, do it because you yourself will appreciate it.



Maggie is such a phenomenal confidence coach I cannot recommend her enough. She speaks in my group program, which is for new entrepreneurs and she talks about how to show up as the most confident version of themselves and I consistently ask her to come back to speak again, because not only will she help you feel so inspired and so motivated, but she also gives you such practical tools to help you understand how to work through limiting beliefs to feel like you can walk away with immediate next steps for how to actually become that best version of yourself! Truly Maggie is the best.



I went from sitting there and doubting myself at my job and doubting how my boss felt about me. Maggie was able to talk to me and help me understand how to counteract those thoughts so when I was having negative self talk at work I could sit there and go no, instead of this let’s talk about this. Genuinely it brought out a much better part of me and I’m a lot more confident at work. Without Maggie it was really a reality check.

Cristina, UT

My transformation was beyond anything I could have imagined. I feel lighter, calmer and feel like have a new positive outlook externally and internally. I created daily habits to focus on the small wins that will make a big change to how I operate daily. I grew into someone who can look into the mirror and not feel hatred but more so an understanding and appreciation for what I am. I removed people from my past who I knew where not people I should surround myself with but prior to the program did not have the confidence to remove. I know my worth now and am excited to start letting in the right people.

Leah, MA

Before my session with Maggie, I won’t lie I was a little skeptical of what was going to happen and how it was going to work. However, after working with Maggie I really feel like I learned a new perspective! I've finally begun to accept myself, and I now feel so good about the future! She always made me feel comfortable and at ease, as well as opened me up to a new way of how to perceive and reframe my negative thoughts when it comes to thinking more highly of myself!

Allie, MA

Talking about my goals and what I want in life can sometimes be a difficult topic for me especially since in the past, I felt undeserving of achieving my goals. Right away working with Maggie I felt safe and comfortable the entire time. Talking to someone that is so passionate and wants to help you reach your goals is a wonderful feeling. Being able to be open and honest with her helped me figure out a plan for myself and my future. I finally can say I feel worthy and deserving of everything I want to achieve in life. Working with Maggie was a great experience!

Ksenija, UK

Maggie has a lovely approachable attitude and we built rapport quickly. I felt safe and cared for during all of our sessions. As a result of working with Maggie, I felt elevated and my confidence was boosted. It’s been a pleasure working with Maggie!


✨Some More Success Stories...✨