Issue #9 Clear Vision

Let me ask you something.


I want you to get real honest with yourself.


When looking at all areas of your life: The relationship you have with yourself, your health and fitness, your career, your family, your friendships, your romantic relationship, your spirituality, and your finances, are you content with how things are going?


If you answered yes, I want you to really go deeper and see if this is true (it very well could be!) 


Or if there are realizations you are avoiding and are actually just settling for mediocre.


If you answered no, great. That is OKAY. This brutally honest “no” is the exact “no” that will lead you in the direction you’d prefer to take your life in.


Now think about all of these areas and the habits, thoughts and behaviors that encompass each of them. 


Finally, I want you to ask yourself what your most confident self would do? 


If you are currently doing what she would do, that's amazing! If not, can you get really clear on what may need to shift in order to embody your most confident self’s ideal lifestyle and sense of self? What habits need to be removed?


It all comes down to clarity. Once we have a clear vision, the rest becomes more simple and we know exactly where action needs to be taken.


Much love,

Maggie Mae


If you want to dive deeper into gaining a crystal clear vision, in order to become your most confident self, this is the first step I take my 1:1 clients through that starts them off strong in their confidence journey. If you’re serious about transforming your confidence, and you have the financial resources to do so, click here to apply to work with me.

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