Issue #3 You Have Permission To Say "No"

Did you know…


That you have permission…


To say “no.”


And if you’ve never felt like you’ve had this privilege before…


I am giving you permission to say no.


So often we feel like we OWE others. 


Owe them our time, our help, our emotional support, our energy.


If you’re a people-pleaser I can guess that you’re also a helper. You love to help others. It makes both parties feel good. And that is amazing. That is powerful. Continue spreading that kindness.


But know there's a difference between spreading your kindness and spreading yourself too thin.


If you always put others first, you are choosing to neglect yourself in some way. 


Take the airplane oxygen mask for example. In order to SURVIVE, you have to put your oxygen mask on first, and then help your neighbor. If you help your neighbor first, you may not make it.


Learn that it’s ok to prioritize yourself and don't feel bad about saying “no” to others. 


Also… you don't need to have a reason to say no. Your reason could simply be because you don't feel like it.


AND THAT’S OKAY. We’re all human. We are living our lives. We are not responsible for another person's life and what they may expect of others. 


If we can help that is amazing, but know you always have a choice. The right people will always be understanding when you start setting these boundaries.


You are not responsible for other people’s problems, for other people’s needs, for their emotions. If they are upset with you for not just dropping everything in your life to help them, they are not right for you.


The final thing I want to say that has helped me tremendously with people-pleasing is to take a pause when someone asks me something. 

Our brains are on autopilot, so if you're a people pleaser, you probably say yes right away without even thinking if this is something you want to engage in. 


Take a pause, it's not awkward. It's only awkward if you think it's awkward :) and take a moment to realize what you're responding to. Lead with your intuition when you respond and however they choose to respond is on them, not you.


  1. Also stop unnecessarily apologizing.


If people-pleasing is something you struggle with and haven't been able to get yourself out of this cycle, my coaching experience can help you with just that. To start saying no, without guilt. To set strong boundaries. To feel confident in yourself and to acknowledge that your feelings are always valid. It’s time to stop the guilt!


Click here to apply to work with me!  


I love you,

Maggie Mae

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