Issue #4 Imagine Looking Into A Crystal Ball...


Imagine you look into a crystal ball…


And it shows you that you’ll never find love.


OOF. I know, apologies for the harsh visual, but just hear me out.


It shows you you’ll never find love… 




No boyfriend or girlfriend.


Zero, Zip, Zilch, Nada.


There are 2 ways we can look at this situation.


We can either play the victim, and sulk about the life, and the romance we’ve always dreamed about our whole lives, going down the drain.


Or instead of feeling bad for ourselves… we can ask ourselves this: 


How differently would you live your life and how different would you act, if love wasn't on the table for you? 


Would you put your all into yourself? Invest in your passions? Spend more QUALITY time with friends and loved ones?


Would you BE yourself? Maybe you’re a WEIRDOOOOO (in the best way, cause I know I am) Also side note: I think we’re all a little weird… why don’t we embrace that more?


Would you talk to everyone and be your most authentic self because you're not trying to get them to like or love you (because remember love ain't in the cards for you)


Naturally, you're going to attract people who genuinely LOVE your real authentic self. So why not attract that from the start?


We fear showing this side of us because what if our authenticity ruins our chances of meeting “the one?”


Trust me, hun, if he doesn't love ALL OF YOU, he ain't gonna like the curated you.


Actually… maybe he will at first, but how long can you keep up this facade? The more comfortable you get, the more your authentic self will come out, but if he falls in love with the fake version of you, the real version of you may not be his cup of tea.


And that's ok. But you’ll put yourself through a shit ton of pain before realizing this truth.


So act as if you’ll never find love. Be yourself, invest in your passions, and focus on your career and your life. The right person will come into your life in divine timing, and fucking love you for you. 


When getting involved with someone romantically, it's about finding someone who compliments you, not someone to “complete you.”


You are already whole. 


I love you,

Maggie Mae

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