Issue #5 Accept The Past Versions Of YOU


How often do you see old pictures or videos of yourself and CRINGE?


How often do you look at these old pictures and videos and say “EW” out loud?


I used to look at my past self and think…


“Oh god, I look so gross.” 


“Ew, why did I do that?”


"Why did I dress like that?” 


“I can't believe I went out looking like that.” 


I'd look back at college photos and think “ugh slut. Always looking for attention.” 


The worst is when I’d even make a throwing-up gagging sound *for dramatic effect,* yet what was the point? Just to make little mags feel horrible about herself?


We don’t realize we're doing it, but when we think and say these things, it's detrimental to our current self-image. 


We are speaking directly to our subconscious mind, and the subconscious mind is where the beliefs we hold about ourselves are rooted. 


All this shame, embarrassment, guilt, and discomfort we have towards the past versions of ourselves is causing more harm than good. 


All this does is keep us in the past and keep us in a state of shame. 


These past versions of you are a part of you. Sure you can not like how you acted back then. You have a right to feel that way. 


But know that without the existence of all these past versions of you, you wouldn't be where you are today.


So be grateful for them and be accepting of them. 


The only way you can fully accept yourself RIGHT NOW is if you are able to look back and accept the past versions of yourself first.


Because you needed to go through that in order to grow through it.


All of the experiences, the lessons, and the people. It was ALL necessary. 


Everything you went through serves a purpose in your growth. So don’t shy away from who you used to be, but be grateful that they got you to where and who you are today.


The same goes for this version of you today. Whether you like where you’re at right now, learn to have grace for this moment and this version, because they are just a seed in your experience here on this earth. 


Accept where you are now, and know that this version of you today is also helping you get to your future self. 


Much love, 

Maggie Mae

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