Issue #7 Find Your Style Of Movement



A topic I've been sitting with recently is movement. 


Last year and the beginning of this year have been a huge wake-up call for me.


And that wake-up call was that I don’t believe the gym is my kind of movement.


And nothing against the gym! I think the gym is amazing. A lot of people LOVE it and weight lifting was one of my favorite things to do. I still enjoy it on occasion.


But what I realized is that the gym is not the ONLY way to get a workout in and benefit your physical and mental health.


I experimented with SO much in recent years/months. Yoga, pilates, running, cycling, cardio workout classes, gymnastics, kayaking, paddle boarding, long walks, and dance (I even tried pole dancing for fun cause why not?)


Sure, going to the gym helped with my confidence. I was building strength physically and mentally. 


But what truly accentuated my confidence was yoga, pilates, and dance.


These lower-impact workouts connected me to my inner child. As a kid, I was a dancer and a gymnast.


I think what happens with a lot of people is they think to lose weight, get in shape, and be healthy, they need to force themselves to hit the gym every day for an hour or two.


That mere thought of “I NEED or I SHOULD” go to the gym is the exact mindset that’s going to keep you in resistance towards staying consistent with the gym.


Did you know if you find the kind of movement that you absolutely LOVE, there will be no resistance and you will actually accomplish your health and fitness goals with no stress or force surrounding the goal…


Crazy right? Society has made you believe that the gym is the “only way” or the “right way”


I’m someone whose body has been in a fight-or-flight state a lot, so lower-impact movement actually FEELS better for me.


I’ve also been predominantly in my masculine energy for the majority of my life so these types of movements make me feel more connected to my feminine energy which feels SO good.


Take this newsletter as a sign to experiment with a new form of movement. 


And start tapping into your intuition to figure out what type of movement best suits you and your body. Life will feel so much sweeter:)


You never know what you’ll love and feel most connected to if you never give it a try.


Much Love, 

Maggie Mae

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