Issue #8 Your Looks Will Not Sustain Your Confidence

Have you ever felt like your appearance that day makes up a large part of whether you feel confident or not?


Of course when we get all dressed up and feel put together, naturally we’re going to feel better.


But that’s the catch. If you focus too much on your appearance in order to feel good that day. You will never be able to sustain it.


Because what happens when you don't look amazing one day? 


You’ve become reliant on your looks, and when they’re gone or not up to your standard, you feel like shit again…


The problem and the reason why people struggle with confidence is because they are looking for something outside of themselves in order to feel that sense of confidence.


That’s where the inner work comes into play. This is called cultivating “Core Confidence”


What’s so powerful about Core Confidence is that because it’s not dependent on external circumstances it will manifest in every aspect of your life.


You will naturally start attracting new experiences, people, opportunities, and synchronicities into your life.


This then creates a powerful feedback loop that will strengthen your newfound confidence even further.


And this all happens when you start changing your beliefs.


When you can learn to change the deep-rooted beliefs you have about yourself to be positive, they will have the power to amplify your confidence internally, rather than focusing on how you look externally.


I used to think confidence was just “looking good” but it was a fake sense of confidence I was embodying. 


I may have looked “hot”, but I still felt unworthy, not good enough, and incapable of success.


It wasn't until I changed my internal belief system that I saw my confidence change FOUNDATIONALLY.


The result of adopting a more positive belief system and changing my Core Confidence is that naturally, things like my appearance held less power over me because I felt good at my core.


If you feel like you’ve always allowed external things to determine your sense of confidence and you’re ready to change your beliefs to cultivate Core Confidence to sustain feeling secure, apply here to work with me. It’s about time you invest in yourself. 



Maggie Mae

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