Issue #10 You Attract What You Are, Not What You Want

I have a fun little journal prompt for you tonight.


For those of you who are hoping for love, a lot of times when we’re searching and hoping and chasing, we only add resistance to things happening naturally.


You’ve probably heard me say this by now, but you don't attract what you want, you attract what you are.


Let that sink in.


What if finding your perfect partner didn't happen through searching?


What if it happened through BEING?


What I want you to do is write out a list of characteristics, personality traits, and way of being of your dream partner.


Get as SPECIFIC as possible. Things like “he is gentle, he works out daily, he buys me flowers weekly, he opens doors for me, he’s in his healthy masculine, etc..


The more specific, the better we can manifest.


Now look over your list and ask yourself if you’re showing up in these same ways. If you’re not, this is probably why you have not manifested your dream partner yet. Once you start showing up in these ways: more gently, working out daily, buying yourself flowers, giving yourself this love etc… you set the tone, and because you're already doing these things you will naturally attract a partner who is vibrating on this same frequency. 


So get out your journals, start writing, and become the words on the paper! I promise you it works.


Btw take this for what it is. If you write I want a man with brown eyes and is 6’1… you do not have to become that man with brown eyes and get taller LOL you get the gist. It's more about values/lifestyle/the way you show up in the world, etc…


Good luck!




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