Issue #1 Top Lessons From 2023



2023 had to have been the best, yet hardest year of my life. 


I wanted to share with you some of my takeaways seeing that this was the year I grew the most. I even got the word “growth” tatted on my arm because of it๐Ÿ˜‚ 


At the start of the year, I invested in myself and joined an incredible business community with an amazing coach and group of like-minded entrepreneurs where I received guidance with the startup of my coaching business.


I started posting content on social media which was SO out of my comfort zone. I felt alllll the negative feelings one goes through when starting a business (or starting something new in general). Imposter syndrome, comparison, I even doubted the fact that I was a confidence coach because how could someone with expertise in confidence be feeling so… unconfident in what I was doing.


I traveled out of the country for the first time in my LIFE. Scary as FUCK for someone who in the past was a homebody and struggled to go to sleepovers or even leave home to live at college.


My relationship of 2 years ended. This is someone I thought I’d spend the rest of my life with. Huge wake-up call. I spent a lot of time re-healing the relationship with myself because I felt I had lost myself.


A month ago, I traveled out of the country again, this time to Colombia for a business mastermind where I finally met my business community and coach in person—the most transformative experience of my LIFE. 


Alright so what did I learn here… well let me share with you!


Get TF Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Step out of your comfort zone as much as humanly possible. YOU WILL NOT GROW IN YOUR COMFORT ZONE. I REPEAT, YOU WILL NOT GROW IN YOUR COMFORT ZONE. I could never have imagined traveling to Spain or Colombia. 2 reasons. 

The first being, that I didn't grow up with a lot of money so I didn't feel deserving of these travel experiences. And two, I used to be so terrified of leaving my house to sleepover with friends or going on vacation with a friend's family for a couple of nights. Pure anxiety would wash over me. I missed out on a lot of trips because I felt frozen in fear. I almost didn't go to college because I was that scared. 

Now, for the first time in my life I want to travel the world.. (something I never thought I was worthy of doing) the amount of growth I’ve experienced through traveling out of the country is insane. I’m going to Tulum Mexico in April for a yoga retreat and I'm SO pumped for it!

Not only did I step out of my comfort zone with travel, but I also tried SO much this year! You never know what you’ll like unless you give it a try… I went kayaking, paddle boarding, tried new foods, yoga, pilates, got certified in EFT Tapping, went to concerts to see new artists, met new friends, ran a 5k (running was never my thing before that. Still isn't, but hey at least I know anything is possible), got a tattoo, explored more with friends, hiked, the list goes on! The person I was at the beginning of the year would be SO proud of the woman I am today. She’s hungry for LIFE.

Always Choose Yourself First

YOU are your most important relationship. When you love yourself and know yourself, everything that’s in alignment with you will follow. When you don't love yourself, feel insecure, or self-doubt, your partner feels that. Don't get me wrong, we all experience moments of insecurity and doubt, but when it’s unresolved and super consistent, that is your work, not your boyfriend or girlfriend's work. They can be there to support you, but they cannot solve your problems. A partner should not complete you, they should be an addition to you as a whole. You can’t rely on someone else to make you feel better. You are in charge of feeling good, taking care of yourself, knowing and following your values. 

Everyone serves a purpose In your life. Everyone is here for a different season and a different reason. I couldn't be more grateful for what my relationship taught me. I learned how to be properly loved for the first time in my life. I learned what I want in a man, what I don’t want, and what I deserve and need in my relationship. 

I learned that the second something starts to feel out of alignment, to let go of the things that no longer serve you. Many things are worth fighting for, but at the end of the day, sometimes relationships run their course, and that's ok. God always has a plan for you, even when it’s not what you may have anticipated.


Feel Deeply

In the past, I’ve been told I am too sensitive or emotional. Sometimes the things people say to me hurt. I was taught to “get over it” and to “stop being overly sensitive.” Of course, it’s important to know when to let things go, but that doesn't mean when someone is unkind to me, I shouldn't be allowed to feel bad about it. Your emotions are always valid, and there are ways we can learn to manage them better. First, it's about accepting these emotions for what they are. No judgment, all love, acceptance, and compassion. When we reject feeling a certain way, it causes the emotion to be heightened. What we resist, persists. Be the observer of your thoughts. Notice them, feel them, and allow them to pass. Use the power of the breath to move through them. The breath allows us to be present. When we are present, neither the past nor the future exists. It is just memories in our heads that keep us stuck and anxious.


State Management 

This was a big one for me. I realized that we are constantly manifesting everything that shows up in our lives through the emotions that we feel.

The good and bad relationships, friendships, opportunities, experiences. 

Don’t let this scare you… It’s just something to be conscious about. Notice how when you’re angry, next thing you know you stub your toe, leave your coffee on top of your car, and drive off as it flings off the roof… just me? Oh lol. 

The same goes for when you’re in a good mood, you are vibrating at a high frequency and things seem to keep getting better and going your way. You are manifesting GOOD things into your life. 

The best way to help with state management to continue feeling good and manifesting good things in your life is priming your state first thing in the morning. This could be through meditation, journaling, breathwork, taking a walk in nature, staying off your phone for the first hour of the day, etc. Sometimes these things are unavoidable, but all we can do is the best we can do. This sets the tone for the rest of the day. Don’t sleep on this.

Apply these things to your 2024, and girl things are about to get a whole lot better for you.



Maggie Mae

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